Sunday 4 September 2011

No Fear. (Open)

In the years after the collapse of Technology, humans have been thrown back hundreds of years. They reacted with violence, reverting back to their primal instincts, democracy fell and monarchy rose. The Therianthropes, who hid among the the forests and hidden in the shadows emerged. They tried to help the humans, but since they do not speak the same languadge, the humans reacted out of fear, locking the Therianthropes away in cells, since they were unable to kill them with normal weapons. They would need to drive the Therianthropes against themselves to kill them. So the humans began to brainwash, torturing the therianthropes until they forgot who they were and the blood of their brothers and sisters was all they wanted.

And deep in the dark forests the humans dare not enter, lies a sect of Therianthropes bent on bringing justice to their kind and setting their brothers and sisters free... by using force.

Alright, now you should probably know that a therianthrope has two forms, one human and one of another animal. There are five main types of therianthropes.

Ailuranthrope: Can morph into a type of cat, often a larger version of a domestic cat, or big cat, usually a lion or a panther. Be creatve, though.

Lycanthrope: Can morph into a wolf.

Cynanthrope: Can turn into a dog. Usually a rotwiler, a german shepard or a great dane. Be creative, though.

Avianthrope: Can morph into a bird, usually an eagle or a falcon. Again... Be creative.

You can also play as a human.

Mate (Or BF/GF):
Breif bio:

My Character:

Name: Nyla
Age: 18
Gender: F
Species: Ailuranthrope (Clouded leopard)
Crush: None
Mate (Or BF/GF): None
Looks: Black hair with strange blondred streaks in it. She's tall and thin with bright yellow eyes. When in Clouded leopard form, she is sleek and powerful with long fangs and wickedly sharp claws.
Personality: Deep, generally quiet, though if she has something to say, she'll make herself heard. Patient and understanding, but can be very stubborn and dark.
Breif bio: She hid with her family when the humans came to them, her mom told her to run for the dark regions of the forest, which she did, but reluctantly. She never saw her parents again. The other uncaptured Therianthropes eventually found her and she joined the sect, seeking justice and revenge.
Other: None.


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